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How to Deliver What Workers Want in 2020

Written by: Paul Howard
Published on: 13 Mar 2020



In the Second Part of ManpowerGroup Ireland's "What Workers Want" Report we delve deeper and examine how companies can adapt their human resources policies to reflect the changing workforce culture. This is a particularly hot topic at the moment with the Work from Home (WFH) & Work from Anywhere (WFA) policies now being implemented in Ireland.     


1. Creating a Culture of Learning is Very Important

More employers than ever now know they need to upskill and re-skill their workforce. Companies need to build a Culture of Learnability to attract and retain top talent. Managers also need to understand how their people’s motivations for learning vary depending on where they are in their Career Life Cycle Stage (as we discussed in last week's email).


2. Implement Learning from the Top Down!

The CEO needs to be the Chief Learning Officer and leadership need to quench their thirst for learning! Employees respect leaders who "walk the walk" and if the strategy is implemented from the top down buy in will be much more inclusive.

Click Here for 10 Great Company Examples on Learning Cultures 


3. Allocate Set Times for Learning

This is a worker’s biggest barrier to skilling up. It's not enough for a company to just say they have a culture of learning, they must actually follow through. This  means allowing for time resources to implement the learning programs. This should be fixed, regular and can't interfere with the employees learning schedule (e.g. not getting called in for work tasks at the detriment of allocated learning time).


4. Dedicate Resources to Learning

Companies must invest in learning platforms and offer on demand, snackable options. This should ideally combine online & digital with face-to-face and peer led learning initiatives. This learning can be formal (i.e. education programmes) or informal (i.e. guest speakers at in-house seminars). Key learnings is the goal. How this is delivered is up to each company to decide.


5. Insist on Career Conversations with Employees

Continuous learning needs regular coaching and nurturing beyond the annual performance review. Employees now want personal career conversations on where they are, where they want to go and how nthey are going to get there. If employees feel engaged/empowered by having these discussions with their managers they are more likely to continue their career journey with that company. If not the only question is where will they go next?



John Galvin, Managing Director

01 6455200