How to look out for your mental health when working remotely in Ireland
How to look out for your mental health when working remotely
The coronavirus pandemic prompted perhaps the largest ever experiment in remote working. Across all six continents, we saw a significant portion of businesses moving their operations online at speed, with many workers being instructed to switch their workstations from the usual confines of the office, to the comfort of their own homes.
For many, it has been a transition that has presented challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining our mental wellbeing. Many of us are still working remotely, in isolated environments, without the level of human interaction we were accustomed to before the pandemic. This can be problematic for any worker – and especially for those currently living by themselves.
Here, we’ve distilled some information and resources we hope will help support your mental health when working from home:
How to cope with loneliness and improve your mental health – Remote working has led to feelings of isolation and loneliness for many, but there are things we can all do to cope with loneliness and prevent some of the negative feelings and mental health problems that can come with it. Here are some coping strategies that you might find useful.
Coronavirus and your wellbeing– Experts agree that small incremental changes can be a vital step in boosting your mood and improve your mental wellbeing. This is where the UK’s leading mental health charity Mind provides some invaluable resources, with practical pointers you can implement to improve your mindset.
3 tips to avoid WFH burnout – As the lines between your work life and your personal life become increasingly blurred, ensuring you are not overstretching yourself is paramount to keeping your wellbeing intact. Here, the Harvard Business Review shares three instrumental ways workers can successfully compartmentalise their lives – all with the goal of keeping your mental health on track.
Support yourself and your colleagues – Keeping in regular communication with your colleagues is not just good for your work, it’s also important for your state of mind. Mental Health at Work has produced a number of toolkits to this end, which highlight the role of keeping conversation rates high, with additional materials that are tailored for staff of all experience levels.