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Some Background
Please find below a some information about Employment Tribunals. Further reading links have also been provided below.
Employment Tribunal Jurisdiction
The jurisdiction of the Employment Tribunals (ET) involves a wide range of employment-based disputes involving employees, workers, employers, trade unions and professional and regulatory bodies.
There are currently more than 90 different causes of action that can be brought to the ET. The most common complaints involve allegations of unfair dismissal, discrimination, breach of contract, deductions from wages, transfers of undertakings and detriments for making disclosures in the public interest. A small number of rights differ in Scotland and Wales as a result of devolution arrangements.
What does an Employment Tribunal look like?
An ET may consist of an Employment Judge sitting alone or sitting with two non-legal members. When non-legal members are sitting on the panel, one is drawn from the panel of those whose experience is from an employee or trade union perspective (the 'employee panel') while the other is drawn from the panel of those whose experience is from an employer or management perspective (the 'employer panel').
Equal Opportunities
The Lord Chief Justice and the Senior President of Tribunals are convinced of the benefits of a more diverse judiciary and are committed to supporting the development of the judiciary in ways that support greater diversity. Appointment to judicial office is based solely on merit. The judiciary is therefore committed, not only to encouraging suitable applicants to apply, but also to ensuring that principles of equality and fair treatment apply to all aspects of judicial life.
Further Reading
The Judiciary's website at this link contains lots of useful information that you may wish to explore, including a chart on the structure of the courts and tribunals (here) and a detailed breakdown of tribunals (here). A visitors' guide to the judiciary, prepared a few years ago, contains information of value and can be found (here).